From a practical point of view, its founding principles are set by the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). Because the Holy Qur’an was revealed to you by Allah Ta’ala with Tajweed and you received its teaching from Hazrat Jibreel (peace be upon him). And taught his companions, then taught his followers, and so on until it reached us through these chains. The scholars of the Quranic sciences are the ones who set the rules from a scientific point of view.



1) Muhammad ﷺ

2) Uthman Ibn Affan, Ali, Ubayy Ibn Ka’b, Abdullah Ibn Masud, and Zaid Ibn Thabit

3) Abu A’bd al-Rahman Al-Sulami

4) Aasim Ibn Abi al-Najud


ʿĀṣim ibn Bahdalah Abū al Najūd Held the highest sanad in Kufa. He took the place of his teacher, Abu Abdur Rahman As Sulami, when he passed away.


He was also a scholar of Grammar and a jurist. Ibn Jazari writes that Imam Asim was also a muhaddith, and narrations from him can be found in the seven famous books of Hadith.


He was also a Tabii. He met Sayyiduna Harith ibn Hassaan (RA). He loved to offer prayers so much that if he learned that there was a masjid close by, he would stop to offer nawafil prayers.


Two main rawis (narrators): Imam Hafs and Imam Shuba


Imam Asim


Imam Asim was blind. Someone would have to hold his hand when he needed to go somewhere. Imam Asim was an extremely patient person.


Story of when he fell.

When he was about to pass away, he was reciting the following ayah with perfect Tajweed

ثُمَّ رُدُّوٓا۟ إِلَى ٱللَّهِ مَوْلَىٰهُمُ ٱلْحَقِّ ۚ أَلَا لَهُ ٱلْحُكْمُ وَهُوَ أَسْرَعُ ٱلْحَـٰسِبِينَ

Then they are ˹all˺ returned to Allah—their True Master. Judgment is His ˹alone˺. And He is the Swiftest Reckoner. 6:62

Passed away in Kufa in 127 A.H.


Imam Hafs


Ḥafṣ ibn Sulaymān ibn al Mughīrah ibn Abī Dāwūd al Asadī al Kūfī alBazzāz


He was the stepson of Imam Asim. Recited the Quran to Imam Asim multiple times. Had the most knowledgeable amongst the rawis of Imam Asim in his narration. He taught Qiraat in Baghdad and in Makkah Al Mukarramah Was born in 90 A.H. and passed away in 180 A.H.


Qari Muhi Al Islam Panipati writes that it is a sign of the acceptance of Imam Hafs with Allah Subhana Wa Taala that his riwayah is so prevalent. Most huffaz have memorized in the riwayah of Hafs.


Imam Shuba


Shuʿbah ibn ʿAyyāsh ibn Sālim al Ḥannāṭ al Asadī


Although there are many other names that are assigned to him, he was born in 95 A.H. He was also a muhaddith and a jurist. He narrated more ahadith than Imam Hafs.


Imam Shuba made three khatams with Imam Asim. He completed the Quran 18,000 times. He passed away in 193 A.H.


Why do Hafs and Shuba differ?


He taught Imam Hafs the narration that he learned from Abu Abdur Rahman As Sulami, a famous Tabi who learned from Ali ibn Abi Talib (RA).


He taught Imam Shuba the narration that he learned from Zir ibn Hubaysh who learned from Abdullah ibn Masud (RA). Imam


Imam Abu Hanifa and Imam Hamza were also students of Imam Asim.


Khalil ibn Ahmed An Nahwi, the one who introduced the symbols that we use in the Quran today, was also a student of Imam Asim.




We follow the qiraa’ah (reading) of “Ḥafs taken from ‘Aaṣim ( حفص عن عاصم ),” which is the one widely taught in most of the Muslim world today.  If it should prove beneficial, 


  • Hafiz Furqan

    Hafiz Furqan Ahmed is an Online Quran Tutor, Trainer, Freelancer, and Affiliate with Different Programs. Teaching Quran online with Tajweed and Qiraa’t is what I do best. I am working with as a senior tutor and trainer, managing, and the HFO SERVICES Islamic blog site

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